Get in touch

Help us to touch and change lives by donating. We are a registered Non-profit Orginasation (NPO #226-287)
Handevat Music
Cheque account number: 93 5090 9092
Branch Code: 630611
If you want an Article 18 Receipt for your donation, in order to claim the tax benefit, please send your own or your company’s name and address to our email, so that we can provide it to you. (PBO 930068873)
Please help by sharing our BackaBuddy campaign to raise much-needed funds for the Handevat Music Project. With your help we can reach more people. Thank you to all our loyal supporters and those who have already donated time, money and instruments. We really appreciate your help and support!
#HandevatMusic #SharingisCaring #PleaseShare
Big thank you to NAC
We would like to thank the government institution National Arts Council for their financial support. Without them we couldn’t have survived 2020’s challenges.
Dank aan die Rupert-Musiekstigting
Ons wil graag ook die Rupert-Musiekstigting bedank vir hul finansiële ondersteuning deur die jare vir ons musiekprojek. Dit word opreg waardeer.